How To identify Risks & Vulnerabilities In Your Network Security

For IT security team members, technology advancements mean an increased level of risks. Security risks to your business network require you to take preventative measures by conducting a threat audit. To do so effectively, you need to identify the vulnerabilities within your networking infrastructure. Creating a list of your assets can establish the scope of your audit for threats, and get you started on strengthening your network security.

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Computer and Network Access
Setting up who can access your network and determining their appropriate level of access are essential steps in creating a network security policy. These network policies allow you to identify ways to protect valuable assets within your business through compliance parameters, assess the associated risk, limit vulnerability points, and create a recovery plan in the event a disaster strikes. Network admins should also adopt a strong password policy and encourage users to create passwords with a certain level of complexity. The strength and frequency of passwords are key factors when implementing a process. A best password practice is to have users change passwords every 60 or 90 days, allowing the complexity to shuffle and remain complicated. By creating these access points, you lessen the loopholes an attacker can use. Keeping your network up-to-date is also a great way to prevent cracks in your security.

Physical Assets
Another way attackers can infiltrate your network is through outdated software for operating systems, firmware, antivirus, device drivers, and other endpoint devices. Network admins should reduce the risk of random attacks by limiting who can install software updates. Generally, an IT team should facilitate any installations or updates through their admin access.

Not every user needs the ability to browse your entire network. Unless an employee’s job requires access to sensitive data, they should be restricted from viewing it. To reduce potential attacks, you need to review how your business data is accessed, stored, and backed up.

More and more emails contain malware that poses a dangerous and proficient threat to users. Training your employees on how to identify these malicious attempts through email and other security practices is critical in preventing network infiltration.

Hacking the System
Not all attacks to your network come from online. There are instances where a corrupted USB drive creates a security risk when connected to a business asset. There is also the possibility of a physical intrusion that poses a security risk to your data.

IT security teams need a real-time, automated threat-hunting service that can secure Internet access and defend against threats intent on stealing critical data or taking down a network and its applications.

Contact us to discuss how we can help you make sure your system is secure.