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VIDEOS: Winter Recaps ’24 #6

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Before our last look back at the top plays and meets from this past season on ATVN another “first” for the ATVN Sports department–and our viewers!

We are once again journeying into new territory and bringing you a local sports event for the first time in our network’s history.  On Friday we will be broadcasting the annual Colonial League girls softball “Play Day” from Patriots Park in Allentown.  There have been some great local games on the diamond this spring, and ATVN will be broadcasting Friday’s games live and on our YouTube page.

Tune in as Astound continues to bring you more local sports action than ever before!

Now, here’s our final look back at the top plays from this past basketball season (check back in a couple weeks for different sports highlights on ATVN!)

Astound Sports: Liberty vs. Nazareth (2/24)

Astound Sports:  Parkland vs. Northampton (1/24)

Astound Sports: Parkland vs. Emmaus (2/24)

Astound Sports: Allentown Central Catholic vs. Northampton (1/24)

Astound Sports: Liberty vs. Parkland (1/24)

Astound video customers can re-watch these games for free for up to two months from their initial air dates as seen on the Astound TV Network.

Also, DVDs and links to these games can be purchased by contacting the ATVN studio.



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