SportsTalk Shop Salutes Local AD-s & District Officials
First of all, I’d like to offer a sincere wish and hope that all of our local customers and neighbors are all safe and secure and have survived the ravages of the “Sandy” storm…it could have been worse, and yet, there were many scary moments this past week and we lost a few local citizens…
Read MoreBehind the Mic – Oct. 24th
As the RCN sports crew travels around from venue to venue, we, happily, hear from so many viewers. The compliments far outweigh the criticism and, most of the time, the criticism centers around not doing a particular team or a particular game. To me, that is really a backhanded compliment because it just means those…
Read MoreThe “SportsTalk Shop” Talks Non-Football Sports
So much of the time, the emphasis for the sports world is on football…football and then, some more…football. On Nov. 1st, our “RCN SportsTalk” takes a week off so that we may highlight some of the other hard working individuals in the Lehigh Valley region. I have the pleasure of announcing the District XI boys…
Read MoreBehind the Mic – Oct. 18th
I am not above “shilling” for the company and, in fact, enjoy doing it. So let me set the record straight right away. This is NOT, I repeat, NOT a “shill”. This is my opinion. I love the NFL RedZone!! Let me preface that thought by telling you that I do not root for a…
Read MoreWho’s Number 1?
“Who’s #1” is the thing that everyone wants to be each season … and the drive to be numero uno is especially excessive in high school football. With Easton remaining undefeated, the co-owners of the best record and the almighty “power point” leaders in our RCN coverage area, they sit atop all of the playoff…
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