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Behind the Mic: Your Mailbox is Full…

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About every six weeks, I am harassed by a Microsoft message telling me that my mailbox is full and I must delete messages immediately.  This message appears on a daily basis until I do something about it.  This, to me, is like cleaning out the basement at home.  I am just not that interested.  At home, I can always shut the door at the top of the steps.  No one needs to see the mess that exists down those cellar steps.  I feel the same about my e-mail.  No one needs to see the mess.  But when the order comes from a higher power like Microsoft, I listen.  Luckily, there are always items that are easier than others to just erase.  For example:

1)   A request for me to become a local baseball umpire. I have never had a desire to become even an international umpire so this one is easy – ERASE!

2)  A request for me to become a local baseball umpire.  I have never had a desire to become even an international umpire so this one is easy – ERASE!

3)   The rules of Foot Golf.  With the soccer rage going on right now, it’s no surprise that someone came up with the idea of “soccer golf”.  You kick a soccer ball instead of hitting a golf ball until you put it into a much-expanded hole!  This actually looks like it might be fun until I pull at least one hamstring.  And, there are no courses around here anyway – ERASE!

4)  Did you know that Dog the Bounty Hunter allegedly abandoned his son?  I didn’t know much of anything about Dog the Bounty Hunter let alone that he may have had poor parenting skills until I got an e-mail telling me.  I know I would be slightly concerned anyway if my father’s name is “Dog”.  His son wanted to be interviewed to tell his story.  This did not seem to fit the image of a typical guest on Sportstalk – ERASE!

5)  Someone offered to be interviewed about “How to be the Happiest Person on the Planet”.  This did intrigue me until I realized the work that would be involved in knowing I was the happiest person.  How many people would I need to survey before I would feel like I had a legitimate shot at being #1?  And… what about the guy who wants to tell me how to achieve this lofty goal?  If he is successful, where does that put him in the ranking?  Why would he want to teach me how to be happier than he is?  I would feel guilty if that happened; then I wouldn’t be happy.  It’s a vicious circle – ERASE!

6)  Are you interested in the most famous biting incidents in sports?  An e-mail thought I would want to discuss bites because Louis Suarez bit a soccer player in the World Cup.  It would be hard for anyone to surpass the Mike Tyson chomp of Evander Holyfield’s ear during a heavyweight boxing match.  That’s #1 in my book – “The Tastiest Bite on the Planet” – ERASE!

This is a small sample of the hundreds and hundreds of e-mails I need to look at today in order to avoid tomorrow’s reminder, “Your Mailbox is Full…”

NUTS!  I just got another one inviting me to interview someone concerning LeBron James’ opting out of his Miami Heat contract to pursue more money.  LeBron’s net worth is estimated to be $250 million – ERASE!!


1) This past week, I attended two events that were a first in my life (and that’s saying something since I am old).  The first was a “groom shower” thrown for a co-worker who was getting married.  The second was a “gender reveal” party to announce the sex of a baby to all including the parents.  Just think, two items in one week checked off my “bucket list” that I didn’t know were on my “bucket list”.

2) Did you know that the World Cup championship trophy will be presented by a Brazilian fashion model? That model just happens to be Gisele Bundchen, the wife of New England Patriots star quarterback, Tom Brady.  Can we assume she loves futbol and football?  The ceremony takes place July 13.

3)  Speaking of Tom Brady, his longtime Patriots center, Dan Koppen, was inducted into the Lehigh Valley Football Hall of Fame on Wednesday night.  Dan, who was coached by our own football sideline analyst, Tony Cocca, came into town for the award.  He retired from football having snapped the ball to two of the greatest ever to play quarterback in the NFL – Brady and Peyton Manning.

4)  The Lafayette- Lehigh football tickets for the 150th matchup to be played at Yankee Stadium on November 22, 2014 are completely sold out.  That’s right – around 48,000 tickets have been sold!  It should be a great event for college football’s most-played rivalry!

I wish everyone a very safe and happy July 4th weekend!